Category: synchronicity
How to recognize synchronicity
Have you ever experienced a coincidence that made you feel like you were on the right path? Maybe you wondered whether you should take a certain course of action and you heard a song come on the radio that had lyrics that applied to your situation. Or perhaps you ran…
Animal Messages
I’ve been reading a lot about synchronicity lately, as I’m working on an article about how people use it to come up with signs and signals to propel their lives forward. Maybe it’s because as a child I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I’m particularly interested in animals and…
No Chance Meetings Part Two
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about a synchronicity that I followed up on. I’d run into someone multiple times and decided to introduce myself to see if there was a message she had for me (see blog post No Chance Meetings from April 21st). Though I believe in…
No Chance Meetings
So one of my favorite books of all time is The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. Last weekend, I picked it up and was re-reading it when one of the concepts that always jumps out at me jumped out at me again: The whole concept of synchronicity, and how when you…
Waiting for the Signs…
I’ve always been an avid fan of mysteries because I like looking for clues to help me figure things out. Maybe that’s one reason intuition appeals to me since acting intuitively often means looking for signs that you should take a particular course of action. Signs can come from anywhere.…