Last Updated on May 17, 2019
If you’re working to strengthen your gift of clairaudience — or you’re wondering if you even have it — you may find yourself puzzling over how to decipher clairaudience from all those other voices in your head. One voice in particular that we all deal with is the inner critic.
Those who’ve studied psychology may have an understanding of the inner critic. This is a voice in our head — or simply a category of thoughts — that constantly puts us down and makes us feel like we’re not enough. Your inner critic may say things like this: You don’t know what you’re doing. You never do this right. You’re not smart enough, pretty enough, successful enough to do xyz. He/she would never love you. And on and on and on. Some psychologists say our inner critics echo the criticisms from others that we heard when we were children.
So when you start to pay attention to your thoughts and notice some that might be clairaudient, how can you make sure it’s not your inner critic piping up with its unsolicited opinion?
How to recognize a clairaudient thought
In order to identify a clairaudient thought, it helps to have some understanding of what to look for. First, it’s important to understand that everyone experiences clairaudience differently.
There is not one way that a clairaudient thought sounds. In Your Psychic Child by Sara Wiseman, Wiseman writes that a clairaudient thought can be in your native language or even in another language in some cases. Some people actually hear a sound with their ears, though many describe it moreso as a thought in their heads that feels different from their common thoughts. For me, clairaudient thoughts seem to feel heavier than other thoughts, if that makes sense. Others hear songs or music in their minds and they get clairaudient messages that way.
Clairaudient thoughts often come through as commands. When listening to people recount their clairaudient experiences, it’s not unusual to hear them say they were instructed to do things or warned about things clairaudiently. For example, a clairaudient experience I had came through as a warning. I was driving and getting ready to turn ‘left’ when I literally got the thought, ‘Don’t turn left; go straight.’ I’ve heard others talk about getting clairaudient warnings such as, ‘Don’t get out the car,’ ‘Don’t accept the offer’ and ‘Don’t let your child go to that party.’ Often there will be a sense of urgency that comes along with a clairaudient thought and you’ll intuitively know that what you’ve heard is important.
What clairaudient thoughts are not
Perhaps an easier way to recognize clairaudient thoughts is to know what they are not and what they don’t do.
Clairaudient thoughts don’t rationalize. They tend to give you instructions, but they don’t typically go through the whys of life. Rationalization falls under the domain of our egos. If the thoughts in your head are trying to explain to you why something is the way it is, chances are you’re listening to your own inner logic.
Clairaudient thoughts aren’t going to try to convince you of something. One thing about psychic ability is that it works under the free will system. You don’t have to listen to it. You can ignore every psychic hunch you get. You’ll probably end up regretting it later, but you are in charge of your own life. Clairaudient thoughts, like other thoughts of a spiritual nature, are there to help you but they won’t seek to convince you or take away your free will.
Clairaudient thoughts won’t make you feel bad. This is perhaps the most important thing to remember when it comes to discerning your clairaudient thoughts from your inner critic. Everything your inner critic says is likely to make you feel bad. Remember, it’s coming from the viewpoint that you’re not enough. However, clairaudience comes from a spiritual place — one that acknowledges that you’re not only enough, but you are everything you need. Clairaudient thoughts may issue a warning, but they give you a sense of empowerment, power and discernment. If you feel good and empowered by a thought, it may fall under clairaudience. If you feel bad, weak, impatient, guilty or some other not-so-nice emotion, you’re probably not experiencing clairaudience.
Can you silence your inner critic with clairaudience?
As you start to work with your psychic ability, you’ll get to the point where you’re not simply reacting to psychic hunches, but you’re interacting with your intuition. To engage your intuition, simply ask for a sign from the Universe or set the intention that you’re going to have more psychic experiences. When you hear your inner critic, silently ask yourself, “Is this true?” Then be silent and still and expect an answer. You may have a thought pop in your head or you may be guided to read a certain passage in a magazine or you may see a billboard that answers your question on the way to work. The answer may not come immediately so be vigilant as you go about your day.
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