If the fool tarot card comes up in a reading, the message for you may be to get comfortable with the idea of starting a new adventure. The fool reminds us of the excitement that comes with the beginning of a new journey and the willingness to take a step into the unknown. In some…
What tarot card represents me?
If you work regularly with tarot cards, you may find that certain cards sometimes represent different people in your life — or someone who is about to enter your life. For example, you might draw the King of Pentacles and it could represent a man who will help you advance in your career. The court…
Psychic medium Sloan Bella and her connection to the dark side of hip-hop
You can always find someone who wants to write off every intuitive hit as being a coincidence. But every so often someone predicts something that turns out to be so accurate that even cynics know something unexplainable is going on. Take Sloan Bella. She’s a psychic medium, meaning she gets information from those who have…
How to choose a crystal to work with
Every January I have a ritual. I ask my Spirit Guides to lead me to a new crystal to work with that will help to prepare me for what is to come in my life that year. I don’t go into it looking for crystals to help me with a particular thing. For example, I…
How to set an intention for manifestation — and not have to do any work
I’ve always been big on setting intentions and the power that intention can wield. But just recently I had an eye-opening experience that reinforced for me how life-changing an intention can be. I first became familiar with the idea of intention by reading The Power of Intention by the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. In…