About this site

If you’ve found your way to this site, I’m willing to guess you’re interested in psychic ability, metaphysics and other topics considered by many to be woo woo.

You may have read books that blew your mind and left you knowing that you had stumbled upon something that was true.

You may have had psychic experiences, probably hit-or-miss, and you may have had some synchronicities in your life that you know meant something — even if you’re not sure exactly what.

Maybe you’ve always been attracted to movies and television shows about the supernatural such as Medium and Charmed.

But how does this knowledge, as true as you know it to be, really fit into your life? How can you use this ancient knowledge to your advantage at your job, in your relationships and in your day to day life?

Those are the primary questions that Psychic Lessons seeks to answer. The articles on this site will delve deep into:

–How to move from getting occasional psychic hits to using your intuition on demand.
–How to use divination tools like Tarot Cards and pendulums to get ahead in your love life and career.
–How to leverage magical tools such as essential oils and crystals to manifest the life you want.
–How to read signs such as moon phases and animal sightings to know when to make your next move.

I’m Mara Enid, and for years, I’ve explored the psychic realm through readings, courses, books and experiential workshops. In the past, I’ve kept my metaphysical life and my metaphysical friends separate from my day job and public life. Yet, I discovered my life works best when I incorporate metaphysical laws and embrace the world that is unseen.

This blog is a manifestation of my commitment to merge my worlds, be true to myself and embrace my core being.

If you have questions or comments about this site, email me at mara (at) psychiclessons.com.   In the meantime, I welcome you along this journey.


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