Category: How to Manifest
How to set an intention for manifestation — and not have to do any work
I’ve always been big on setting intentions and the power that intention can wield. But just recently I had an eye-opening experience that reinforced for me how life-changing an intention can be. I first became familiar with the idea of intention by reading The Power of Intention by the late…
Vision Board Not Working? Try a Manifestation Box
So you’ve been working with a vision board. Is it working for you? Tell the truth. While vision boards are great tools — I’m 100 percent in favor of using them if they work for you — the truth is they don’t result in the best results for absolutely EVERYBODY.…
Dream Signals You’re Manifesting New Love
When we pay attention to the Universe, we often get signs and symbols that we’re on the right track. Or we may get a warning that we’re veering off in the wrong direction. Our dreams can be particularly informative, giving us insight into current challenges and dropping hints that we’re…