Daydreaming: A Playground for Intuition

Last Updated on February 20, 2016

Even though I’m making an effort to consciously use and develop my intuition, I still struggle with doubts sometimes about whether the hunches I have are really my intuition or whether I’m just making them up. After all, I’m a writer who’s currently working on my first novel so it’s important for me to let my imagination run free.

But I’ve found that my imagination takes on different forms. Sometimes I’ll visualize or consciously imagine a desired scenario, a practice that has been long touted as a way to manifest a certain outcome. For example, athletes will often imagine themselves performing well and research has found that they do perform better after visualization.

Other times I’ll make up stories in my head about people and situations, a practice that is tied directly to my fiction writing. It helps me to stay creative and come up with plot twists and story ideas.

But in rarer cases, a scenario will pop into my mind unexpectedly. These are never long, drawn-out moments and there is generally not that much detail, yet there is clearly an element of imagination involved. During these moments I believe I’m witnessing intuition in action, or at least I’m close to it.

Daydreaming in any capacity is a merging of the conscious and subconscious minds, and since intuition is largely a subconscious practice, daydreaming can serve as a gateway inviting more collaboration between these two worlds.

Intuitive Action Item: I’ve decided to experiment with using my daydreams to spark my intuition. The next time I have a choice to consider, I’ll imagine how it will turn out and if the scenario I get is something I like, I’ll do it. If it goes poorly in my mind, I’ll say no. I’ll report my results in a later post but if you care to try it with me, I’d love to know how it goes for you. There’s one caveat: Only try this if you’re making a choice about something you’ve never done before. If you have a history with an experience, your memories will probably cloud your intuition. Either comment below or email me at may receive compensation if users buy products or services mentioned or advertised on this site or click on some of the links on this site.


5 responses to “Daydreaming: A Playground for Intuition”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I once imagined that i was going to be offered a new job. I wasn’t thinking about finding a job or anything, but I picturedd this whole scenario and a couple of weeks later, I did get a job offer. The details weren’t quite the same as in my imagination, but it was close enough for me to think there was something to it.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    how can you tell if it’s something you want to happen or if it’s intuition. you know the saying, be careful what you wish for. maybe imagining it creates it. that wouldn’t make it intuition.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor Avatar

    Imagination and intuition are two sides of the same coin. Fiction writers often tap into future events. To even write fiction, you enter an altered state of consciousness and while you’re there, the world is timeless. So I really wouldn’t fret about whether something is intuition or imagination. Either way, something is being revealed.
    – Trish

  4. Intuitive Girl Avatar

    I agree Trish.
    I never thought abt fiction writers possibly tapping into future events. I can attest to the altered state.

  5. karim Avatar

    Good one on Intuition and it helps a lot.

    Karim – Mind Power

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