Want 2017 predictions? Try these books

Last Updated on December 30, 2016

While you can find some 2017 predictions on the Internet, some psychics take the initiative to put their predictions in books. If you’re looking for some quick and interesting reading to start off the new year, check out these titles that seek to shed light on what we can expect in the next 365 days. See if you agree with the predictions, or they may inspire you to come up with your own.

Ten Psychic Predictions for 2017: Distress calls from other galaxies (aliens, perhaps?), the spread of the Zika virus and ISIS’s next moves are some of the topics covered in this book that offers predictions for the new year. While 2016 was a year of endings, this book suggests that some of 2017’s new beginnings may not be as pleasant as we would like.

Donald Trump President Predictions 2017: Futurology & Esoteric Numerology: One of the most surprising events of 2016 was the election of Donald Trump, and many wonder what his presidency will mean not just for the United States but for the world. The author  claims that Trump was predestined to win, and uses numerology to shed light on what may happen next. If you’re a political junkie who loves predictions, this one is a no-brainer.

2017 Predictions for your Sun Sign: If you’re interested in astrology and want a book of predictions for people that have your sign, check out the books by Karmel Nair. Nair uses astrology and Tarot Cards to come up with insight about money, career and love events you may experience in the coming year. You might even get one of these as a New Year’s gift for someone you love. Nair also offers general predictions in the book Predictions 2017.

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