mutual dreaming

Wait – Was That a Precognitive Dream?

Last Updated on August 11, 2018

precognitive dream

This morning a friend text me about a dream she had. In the dream, she was having a conversation with a man. It wasn’t someone she recognized, but he felt familiar. She knew she liked this man; she could feel the warmth radiating from him. But she also knew instinctively that they weren’t in a relationship. Yet, in the dream, he brought up the topic, saying that they needed to have a talk about what was happening between them. Then the man was getting ready to leave and pointed out a few minor repairs that he would make the next time he came to visit.

This wasn’t the end of the dream. A woman friend — again, a person she didn’t recognize — was in the room. This friend cocked her eyebrow as if asking, ‘what was that all about?’ My friend knew that this dream friend wasn’t a fan of the potential suitor, but she also knew instinctively that the two of them would eventually get along. She also knew this relationship was already real energetically.

My friend woke up, still feeling the lingering emotions of the dream, yet not recognizing any of the people or scenarios being described.

In real life:
-she wasn’t in a relationship
-there wasn’t a guy she was particularly feeling
-there wasn’t a male friend hanging around who could even turn into this mystery suitor

So the question looms, was this a precognitive dream?

There are a couple of factors that make me believe that it was.

Precognitive dreams come with a lot of detail

My friend remembered this dream vividly. She remembered the different conversations and the way one person in the dream related to another. She remembered it in sequence, and had a clear grasp of a story that was unfolding.

Precognitive dreams come with emotion

A lot of dreams simply reflect what’s going on in our heads. (Have you ever watched a movie only to dream you were one of the characters?) These dreams typically are all mental. But some dreams hit us at a soul level. We feel happiness or anger or fear as we’re dreaming, and those feelings are still there when we awaken. In my friend’s dream, she felt love, which causes me to believe that on a soul level, that dream was real even though the events hadn’t yet unfolded.

Precognitive dreams stick around

Most of us don’t remember the majority of our dreams. And when we do remember bits and pieces, we can quickly forget them. (Which is why it’s a really good idea to write your dreams down immediately if you’re interested in recording your intuitive insights.) But when we have precognitive dreams, we tend to remember A LOT, and we tend to think about them. Because intuitively we know those dreams are important and they are here to give us a heads up about something that may be coming down the road.

Precognitive dreams can’t be explained

We know ourselves, and we typically know when a dream is reflecting our inner drama. If I recently got divorced, a dream about my ex is likely my subconscious trying to work through my feelings. But precognitive dreams tend to have storylines that are new to you, or storylines that aren’t wrapped up in your biggest psychological issues.

(Read: Can a Precognitive Dream Be Stopped?)

What to do when we have a precognitive dream

If you think you just had a precognitive dream, make sure you write your thoughts down. Write down the date because if the events unfold in that way, you want to see how long it took for them to take place. (That can help you in the future, since you may have more precognitive dreams, particularly if that type of psychic ability works well for you.)

I often share my precognitive dreams with others. Sometimes we don’t recognize events when they’re unfolding. I once shared a precognitive dream about a conversation I had with someone. Months later, I was telling this person about a conversation I had in my awakened world (with a different person) and I was literally saying the same words. I didn’t remember the dream at this time, but my friend did.

One thing you shouldn’t do: Try to force anything. Precognitive dreams give us a preview, but trying to force actions based on a precognitive dream could stop things from unfolding naturally. In my friend’s example: trying to find the man in her dream would be fruitless (and she’d probably pick the wrong guy). With precognitive dreams, it’s best to acknowledge them and record them and watch the signs that they are coming true. may receive compensation if users buy products or services mentioned or advertised on this site or click on some of the links on this site.


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